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Hunt the Pentagon Boeing!

Added by Damon Leigh 29 Sep 2006 (address: )

The official 9/11 story includes the assertion that a Boeing passenger jet, a 757-200, hit the Pentagon. ALL pictoral evidence from that day, and much else besides, suggests this claim is entirely bogus. Here, you can judge for yourself, using pictures taken in the immediate aftermath of the explosion. More...


  5 stars
(3 ratings)
Loose Change

Added by Damon Leigh 29 Sep 2006 (address: )

Take yourself 90 minutes, and watch this video. But ONLY if you can cope with the fact that pretty much everything you 'know' about the events of 9/11 are propaganda stories generated by the Bush administration in order to justify his disasterous 'War on Terror', the massive increase in arms spending, the illegal invasion of Iraq in order to take control of the oil, and the erosion of YOUR rights More...


  4.5 stars
(3 ratings)

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